
Online Impersonation & Identity Theft

The attention of the Management of Sentar Guardhas been drawn to the activities of impostors who have been impersonating our brand identity by extorting funds from unsuspecting members of the general public in return for job placement. We do not send job posting online. We recruit job applicants by physical interview not online interview. We do not have any online shipping subsidiaries. Particularly, we recently received complaints about the activities of noble security and shipping, marine security and shipping, Sentar Guardetc. who hold themselves out to be the online shipping subsidiaries of Sentar Guardand have been obtaining money under false pretence from members of the public based on this misrepresentation.

Our attention have been called on the online fraudulent activities of impostors that parades themselves as Sentar Guardwith their fake website https://xecurevaultslogistics.com. These fraudulent persons are defrauding the public under the false pretence and impersonation of Sentar Guard.
We have shutdown more than 52 fake websites impersonating our Company. We are Sentar Guardand our only official website is https://xecurevaultslogistics.comand we are globally known for our honesty, sincerity and diligence in serving our clients and we warn the public and our clients to avoid any fraudulent transaction from the online imposters Sentar Guard(fake website https://xecurevaultslogistics.com) using our trademark (Logo) and our long lasting reputation as leverage to deceive and defraud the public and our most esteemed clients.
We strongly emphasize that our only official website is https://xecurevaultslogistics.comand never https://xecurevaultslogistics.com or any other variation.
We call on our clients and the public to disregard any advances made by the impostors Sentar Guardwith fake website https://xecurevaultslogistics.com and anyone who does any transaction with them do so in his/her own risk and Sentar Guardwill not be hold liable for any loss incurred
We identify as Sentar Guardand our only official website xecurevaultslogistics.com, never xecurevaultslogistics with fake website https://xecurevaultslogistics.com, Merikk, Merik or any other variation
All correspondence from Sentar Guardis always through our only official email and website info@sentarguard.com and xecurevaultslogistics.com, and never from the fake email xecurevaultslogistics.com from the impostors Sentar Guardwith fake website https://xecurevaultslogistics.com
Please take further notice that Sentar Guardwill not accept liability for any business transaction conducted with persons seeking to defraud the general public.
In our opinion, the impersonators have seen that we have a strong reputation for integrity and are trying to leverage on it. We remain a Company that upholds high standards of integrity and transparency. All our operations are strictly within the dictates of the law. We dearly cherish our carefully built, long-standing image in the eye of the public.
At Sentar Guard, we pride ourselves on integrity and excellent service delivery. As such, we will continue to maintain the highest levels of safety and security across all contact points.
We will also keep working with law enforcement to rein in on identity thieves and manipulators, who prey on unsuspecting individuals in order to enrich themselves.


Management of Sentar Guard